Global Medical Response is committed to the goals of providing high quality services to patients and customers.
Code of Business Conduct & Ethics
Our Code of Business Conduct & Ethics contains key policies for conducting business both legally and ethically. Each policy in this Code describes what is expected and gives guidance to help meet both legal requirements and our internal ethical expectations.
Notice of Privacy Practices
Our Notice of Privacy Practices is designed to give guidance and to ensure compliance with all laws and regulations regarding the provision of the Notice of Privacy Practices by health care providers. 45.C.F.R. 164.520 requires that notice be given to individuals of the use and disclosure of protected health information as well as the individuals rights an covered entities legal duties with respect to protected health information.
Ethics and Integrity Hotline
If an employee, vendor, or contractor has a question regarding questionable activity or potential noncompliance with the Global Medical Response Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, they can call the Compliance Hotline at 877.631.5722 or visit the Compliance website at www.globalmedicalresponse.ethicspoint.com. You can also reach out to the Corporate Compliance & Privacy Office directly at 303.495.1265. Callers may remain anonymous.