Our Stories

Our Stories

We all have a story to tell. You can learn a lot about a person or a company by their stories. These are the stories about the people of GMR and the patients and communities we serve.

At a Moment's Notice

At any given time on any day, the 36,000 men and women of GMR could be called to service. Their stories reflect the Guiding Principles we live by every day — Patient Care, One Team, Innovation, Vigilance, Ownership and Citizenship.

Do The Right Thing
Do The Right Thing

A Nevada-based REACH crew leaves no person behind when responding to a downed aircraft.

A Personal Dedication
A Personal Dedication

Injuries involving children are especially traumatic, but the care and expertise delivered by Rob Spencer helped save one child’s life.

EMT's Quick Thinking Saves Lives
EMT's Quick Thinking Saves Lives

A harrowing scene was no match for the heroism displayed by EMT Hiram Sanchez.

Meet Our Veterans

We’re committed to hiring veterans and love to hear how they translated their military skills into a career with EMS

Read more about Veteran Caregivers making an impact. Hiring Heroes Stories.

Another Tomorrow

Patient care is at the heart of everything we do. We love to hear stories from our patients, in particular those who are survivors of sudden cardiac arrest. Our Tomorrow Wall® is a visual representation of the positive cardiac arrest outcomes produced by GMR caregivers. Remaining ever poised to provide care to the world at a moment’s notice is what enables GMR clinicians to produce such amazing results when every second counts.  

At just 18 years’ old, Mickenzie McAuley suffered sudden cardiac arrest while attending an event in Buffalo, NY. At the time of the arrest, McAuley had no medical history. Paramedic Darren Tippins, Paramedic Supervisor Eric Smith and EMT Amanda Juen responded and began resuscitation efforts. Our crew worked in earnest for over an hour attaining ROSC at which time the patient was transported to the local cardiac facility.

A year later, McAuley and her family stopped by the Buffalo office to thank those who saved her life. Her family extended an additional thank you on behalf of McAuley’s brother. As it turned out, McAuley had a congenital cardiac defect that caused her arrest. As a result of her event, her brother received cardiac testing which revealed that he too suffered a congenital problem just like his sister. Based on the test results, he received an implanted defibrillator as prevention against sudden cardiac arrest. While visiting the office, McAuley located the plaque related to her resuscitation and autographed it for the crew. 

Mickenzie McAuley

Do you have a story to share, send it to us communications@gmr.net.