GMR Mobilizes More than 100 Crew Members, 50 Ambulances and Paratransit Assets for Hurricane Delta
As part of American Medical Response's (AMR) FEMA contract, GMR is deploying several ground crews and medical transportation assets to provide aid to communities in the path of Hurricane Delta.
(DALLAS) — Global Medical Response (GMR) is deploying more than 100 paramedics, EMTs and paratransit teams, as well as 50 ambulances and vehicles to Louisiana in advance of Hurricane Delta making landfall. This response to the federal government's request to AMR for EMS aid marks the third hurricane deployment for the medical transportation leader this year.
“This is the second most active hurricane season on record,” said Ted Van Horne, Chief Operating Officer of Global Medical Response. “We have been monitoring the path and destruction of this storm as it headed into Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula earlier this week, and now, as it makes its way toward the U.S. Gulf Coast region. Based on the models we have observed, Delta will make landfall as a category three hurricane and will bring widespread damage to an area that was hard hit by Hurricane Laura just weeks ago. This has been an incredibly busy year for all of our caregivers across the country. Still, our teams train and prepare for catastrophic events like Hurricane Delta and are well-prepared to provide aid to the affected communities. Our partnering EMS agencies throughout the United States are also ready to help respond to this request for aid." Van Horne added that the company's national scope allows them to secure caregivers and ambulances at a moment's notice, as well as needed supplies, support staff and air medical teams.
Upon arrival in Louisiana, GMR teams will immediately be dispatched for patient evacuations and transfers. Requests for aid typically occur 24-48 hours ahead of a storm's forecasted landfall because of the time-sensitive operations that must take place from regional and state healthcare facilities. All deployed teams are continuously monitored and dispatched via GMR’s National Command Center (NATCOM), located in Dallas.
Van Horne added that in addition to completing two major hurricane-related deployments just this year, the company’s first responders have also been deployed to COVID-19 hot spots throughout the U.S. and to the destructive and fast-moving wildfires which have hit California, Oregon and Washington hard in the past months.
“This has been an incredibly busy year for our organization and caregivers,” said Van Horne. “And while we continue to mobilize assets to respond in areas across the country, it is important to know that sending these resources does not impact our ability to continue providing timely medical responses for all the communities we serve.”
As the nation's largest provider of ground medical transportation and FEMA's prime emergency medical service response provider, AMR has a national agreement with FEMA to provide ground ambulance, air ambulance, paratransit services and non-ambulance EMS personnel to supplement the Federal and Military response to a disaster, an act of terrorism or any other public health emergency.
Van Horne said the crews are on a seven-day activation, but that can change as the situation evolves. The crews will stay in the area as long as needed. When the teams arrive at their assigned area, they will be working under the guidance of FEMA state, and local EMS agencies.
“This is the second most active hurricane season on record,” said Ted Van Horne, Chief Operating Officer of Global Medical Response. “We have been monitoring the path and destruction of this storm as it headed into Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula earlier this week, and now, as it makes its way toward the U.S. Gulf Coast region. Based on the models we have observed, Delta will make landfall as a category three hurricane and will bring widespread damage to an area that was hard hit by Hurricane Laura just weeks ago. This has been an incredibly busy year for all of our caregivers across the country. Still, our teams train and prepare for catastrophic events like Hurricane Delta and are well-prepared to provide aid to the affected communities. Our partnering EMS agencies throughout the United States are also ready to help respond to this request for aid." Van Horne added that the company's national scope allows them to secure caregivers and ambulances at a moment's notice, as well as needed supplies, support staff and air medical teams.
Upon arrival in Louisiana, GMR teams will immediately be dispatched for patient evacuations and transfers. Requests for aid typically occur 24-48 hours ahead of a storm's forecasted landfall because of the time-sensitive operations that must take place from regional and state healthcare facilities. All deployed teams are continuously monitored and dispatched via GMR’s National Command Center (NATCOM), located in Dallas.
Van Horne added that in addition to completing two major hurricane-related deployments just this year, the company’s first responders have also been deployed to COVID-19 hot spots throughout the U.S. and to the destructive and fast-moving wildfires which have hit California, Oregon and Washington hard in the past months.
“This has been an incredibly busy year for our organization and caregivers,” said Van Horne. “And while we continue to mobilize assets to respond in areas across the country, it is important to know that sending these resources does not impact our ability to continue providing timely medical responses for all the communities we serve.”
As the nation's largest provider of ground medical transportation and FEMA's prime emergency medical service response provider, AMR has a national agreement with FEMA to provide ground ambulance, air ambulance, paratransit services and non-ambulance EMS personnel to supplement the Federal and Military response to a disaster, an act of terrorism or any other public health emergency.
Van Horne said the crews are on a seven-day activation, but that can change as the situation evolves. The crews will stay in the area as long as needed. When the teams arrive at their assigned area, they will be working under the guidance of FEMA state, and local EMS agencies.